I’m adopted and gay so my mom gave me away:)
Gopnik argues that babies learn so much in such a short period of time because they need to, to be able to survive in the world.
1. drink at lease 100 oz of water daily
2. lift weights for 30 minutes daily along with 15 minutes of cardio this will increase ypu metabolic rate
3. research a proper diet that will work with you body, I do protein load and watch my calories, carbs, and sugars
4. be consistent, if you do not stick to it every day you will confuse your body and it will just gain weight
5. eat 4 - 6 times a day(small meals, this will keep you metabolism running.
6. be kind to yourself, be confident on the outside even if you don't feel that way on the inside
"The ratio between the length of the femur and the stature of that individual is significant in Forensic science and anthropology. The measurements of segment-1 and segment-2 of the femur can be used in determining the length of the femur in case only the proximal part of the femur is available"