This poem describes the action-packed night of April 18, 1775, the famous ride of Paul Revere. It starts in Boston, where Paul and a friend are talking about the British army. They think the soldiers are going to leave Boston that night, but they aren't sure whether they will go by land or sea.
Answer: Dependent personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder is a disorder in which an individual seeks excessive dependence on other people making them insecure and weak. Here such individual have constant need to be taken care of therefore depend on others for almost all their physical and emotional need. Because of their needy clinging behavior, most of these individuals have phobia for separation and tend to show animosity towards who he or she feels is responsible for causing the divided attention.
Farah's husband most likely has a Dependent personality disorder,
Both on July 9th and July 24th, the scientist thought that a neutron star was swallowed by a black hole. The 24th July burst was much more powerful than the burst oh July 9th. This may be because of the larger mass of the black hole for a powerful explosion.
Burst on the 9th July and 24th July, the afterglow of the X-ray did not fade away but it flares about hundred seconds from the initial burst. But the for the burst on the 24th July, the flare was seen again on half a day later.
They lived together in good conditions, and only the parents worked on the farm.
Sorry I'm a bit late but it is called an "executive order" it has the same power and force as a law.