It's is used by putting the lager chromosomes on the bottom and the smaller ones on the top so when they get DNA sample of something they can she if some thing is closely related or not
because California is located on the San Andreas Fault
California is one of the states that have higher seismic activity because it lies on an individual fault known as the San Andreas Fault. Faults are regions where two tectonic plates are moving with respect to one another, thereby they are prone to suffer earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is a continental fault that extends approximately 800 miles (1,200 kilometers) through the US state. Conversely, earthquakes in North Dakota are uncommon because this state is located in the middle of a tectonic plate. The last earthquake in North Dakota had a magnitude of 3.3 (Richter Scale) and it happened almost 10 years ago (2012), in Williston.
The two biggest reasons for children spending less time outside are the development of technology and the safety issues. The development of technology brought in our homes countless forms of having fun which is very important to children. The mobile phones, PC's, laptop's, tablets, Sony Play Station, as well as lots of technologically improved toys, made the children stay at home since they have the fun indoors, and not be interested in going outside and in nature. Also the safety issues in lots of parts in the world made the parents to restrict the children to the indoors environment.