a simple way to look it it is:
Hypertonic would be when the insides are shrunk (arrows point out)
Hypotonic when its full (Arrows point in)
Isotonic is at balance (arrows point out and in)
osmotic: the passage of a liquid through a membrane from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated one (equal concentrations)
Although I'm not sure which image I'm supposed to be describing, but hope it helps you figure out the answer
Evolution. Like how we evolved from apes.
You could do this: do the same shape but one shaded and one not
To show that female expressed that trait
Hope this helps you
The EMB (Eosin Methylene Blue) agar is a selective and differential agar medium. It contains sucrose and lactose as fermentable substrates together with Eosin Y and methylene blue dyes which in combination gives the agar its characteristic color when prepared and serves as a pH indicator as well as an inhibitor of growth of Gram-positive bacteria. Hence, it is primarily used to isolate Gram-negative fecal coliforms while some positive fecal coliforms such as Staphylococci are also able to grow.
These coliforms are of two types:
- Lactose or sucrose fermenting coliforms form metallic sheens on the agar as a result of acid production and the response of the indicator to the increased acidity.
- Non-lactose/sucrose fermenters are only able to produce acid by protein deamination. Hence they either form colorless or pinkish colonies on the agar
On the other hand, Mannitol salt agar is a selective and differential agar medium that is primarily used to isolate Staphylococcal bacteria. The presence of sodium chloride in the medium makes it a partial or complete inhibitor of other bacteria.
Hence, an unknown bacterium that forms colorless colonies on EMB will either be a non-lactose fermenting, Gram-negative coliform that will hardly grow on Mannitol salt agar, or a Gram-positive fecal Staphylococcus.
Staphylococci bacteria are of two types:
- Coagulase-positive will form yellow colonies on the Mannitol salt agar.
- Coagulase-negative will form red colonies on the Mannitol salt agar.
More about isolating media can be found here:
<span> esta a dizer que o citoplasma é um gel -como substância espessa . Ele liquefaz Quando é agitado ou agitado . Citoplasma se refere é o citoplasma , que significa substância da célula. Este nome descreve, o citoplasma é a substância de vida , o citoplasma serve como uma sopa molecular , é no citoplasma , onde todos os organelos celulares são suspensas e estão ligadas entre si por uma membrana de bicamada lipídica .</span>