Sunlight and h20 and co2 are present
Vestigial structures
support evolution, by suggesting us that the organism changed from using structure to not using structure or using it for another purpose.
Homology refers to the similarities between the group of species that share the common ancestor. The homology individuals arise from a common ancestor. They shows divergent evolution. The basic structure in homology is similar. The organs perform different function. They occur due to the evolutionary process.
Homoplasy refers to the shared characters of the group of species that do not share the common ancestor. The homoplasy do not involve the common ancestor. They shows convergent evolution. The basic structure in homoplasy is different. The organs perform the similar function. They occur due to the adaptation in different habitats.
The answer is FALSE.
Schizophrenia is a personality disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly.
Although there is a very strong genetic component to schizophrenia, genes alone do not completely explain the illness. Rather it is believed that genes do not directly cause schizophrenia, but do make a person vulnerable to developing the disease alongside other factors such as the environment and altered brain chemistry and structure.
</span>Cones perceive
light in color while rods perceive light in black and white.
</span>Rods can perceive dim light, unlike cones. The rods are located at the edges of the eyes. This is why it easier to perceive an image in the dark through
the corner of the eyes.
</span>The discs that compose the cones are usually
partially open to the surrounding vitreous
fluid while those of the rods are closed.