A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. (Google, 2017)
La adolescencia es la transición entre la niñez y la adultez, que conlleva cambios físicos, sexuales, cognitivos, sociales y emocionales que pueden generar ansiedad en los adolescentes y tensiones en la relación con sus familias.
El proceso de maduración del sistema nervioso central puede generar nuevos comportamientos, dificultades e incluso actitudes impulsivas que resientan las relaciones familiares.
Tanto durante la pubertad y la adolescencia se desarrolla la maduración del comportamiento, determinado por el sistema nervioso, y la maduración gonadal, determinado por el sistema neuroendocrino. Este último es responsable de los cambios en el comportamiento cognitivo y social que afecta las relaciones familiares.
Answer - <span>A:do not notice the presence of desirable food and portion size at meal time
Reasoning - While not aware how much compact calories that is in sandwich it can have affect over time and lead to obesity to preschoolers.</span>
"Most teenagers consume too much sodium due to the prevalence of sodium in pre-packaged foods available in schools" (Hernandez 65).
MLA is an organization that aims to regulate and standardize all production of published and established academic research and work in the United States. The rules dictated by the MLA must be followed throughout the academic work, so that this work can be published.
According to the MLA, all citations should be quoted, followed by the author's name and the year of publication in parentheses. Based on this, we can conclude that the right answer to your question is: "Most teenagers consume too much sodium due to the prevalence of sodium in pre-packaged foods available in schools" (Hernandez 65).