The solar system consists of the sun as well as everything that orbits around it including the planets, their moons, comets asteroids and more.
- water pollution
- deforestation
- erosion
- contamination of nearby streams
- change of soil
Order nearest from the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
inhlation and exhalation or could be RESPIRATION
The author's name is Upton Sinclair.
Upton Sinclair was an American journalist and novelist. <em>'The Jungle', </em>published in 1905, exposed the harsh reality of immigrants in the United States, particularly those who worked in the meat industry.
Sinclair describes the appealing conditions in meat packing plants in the USA as a way to advance socialism. The book concentrates around the life of a Lithuanian immigrant family who came to the USA to live the American dream. It portrays working class poverty, the lack of social supports, harsh living and working conditions in the factories.
"The Jungle" did not live up to its author's expectations as most readers were more concerned about the quality of meat being packed in the factories, health violations and unsanitary practices, than the plight of the workers. This public outcry led to the creation of the Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906.
Her comment is best on the hindsight bias. This type of bias
is known as the knew-it-all-along by which the after the event has occurred,
the person was able to determine and see the events or the individual were able
to predict the event that had occurred before it could even happen.
Citizenship by naturalization
Any foreign national of full age and capacity may submit an application to obtain Nepali citizenship if: He/she can speak and write in the national language of Nepal. He/she is engaged in any occupation in Nepal. He/she has relinquished his/her citizenship of another state.