a sports team
a club that plays board games together
a sewing club
- Extracurricular activities, also known as extra academic activities are activities that are performed by students in school that do not fall under the category of the normal curriculum of schools.
- This activities are usually done with others of the same age and are characterized by; philanthropy, voluntary inclusion.
- This activities are sponsored under the faculty which they represent, in some cases, some activities are student-spearheaded.
b. Social consensus is agreement on whether behavior is bad or good, whereas magnitude of consequences is the total harm or benefit derived from an ethical decision.
Social consensus can be defined as a principle or theory which is used to distinguish between what is deemed good or bad in the behavior of the people living in a society.
On the other hand, the magnitude of consequences refers to the overall harm or benefit that is associated with an ethical decision chosen by an individual or group of people.
The difference between social consensus and magnitude of consequences is that social consensus is agreement on whether behavior is bad or good, whereas magnitude of consequences is the total harm or benefit derived from an ethical decision.
- limited, because not everyone serves in parliament
- limited, because citizens have a say over who serves in government***
- unlimited, because citizens do not pick the prime minister
- unlimited, because everyone has the right to vote
<span>I think jonas' society chose to institute â€sameness as a response to fear. Some societies value the collective so much that they develop a fear for anything individual or out of the ordinary. Some of the consequences of sameness on peoples' lives in this community are aggression towards those expressing individualism… even dullness, lack of creativity or newness, depression and despair etc.</span>