Having a great marketing strategy in place is key to the success of any business. Without a marketing strategy, you lack focus. And without focus, you will, quite simply, fail to reach any of the goals and objectives that you have set. Failure to plan is planning to fail.
Marketing is not a standalone, one-off activity. It is made up of several different components that are necessary throughout each and every stage of a business’s endeavours - from long before a sale is even made, to long after. With so much going on, it is essential to have a strategy in place.
The amount by which Alex's deposit amount vary from Javier's if Alex also makes a deposit today, but earns an annual interest rate of 6.2 percent is $3381.39.
How to calculate the value?</h3>
We use the formula:
- A=future value
- P=present value
- r=rate of interest
- n=time period.
Hence future value Javier will be:
For Alex:
Hence difference will be:
=15000 - 11618.61
= $3381.39
Learn more about interest on:
a. curve; point on the curve
Supply refers to the supply curve. Changes in supply leads to movement of the supply curve either to the left or to the right.
Factors that cause change in supply:
A. Cost of production
B. Weather
C. Taxes
D. Number of suppliers
Quantity supplied is a point on th curve with reference to price. Changes in quantity supplied is represented by movement either up or down the supply curve. Changes in quantity supplied is caused only by changes in price.
I hope my answer helps you
The correct answer is c. invite suppliers to bid on supplying what is requested.
B2B sales require special attention due to the profile of your buyer.
In this type of sale, buyers have a position much more linked to decision making, so they spend more time on a detailed and critical analysis of the proposal.
The B2B buyer chooses companies that allow the creation of strong business relationships, with a guarantee of supply and deadlines.
This is because B2B negotiations demand an effort, time and investment that, in case of any inconvenience, it can be difficult to recover and find a new supplier.