Malluability i think sorry if im wrong
Definitely 4 Play control environment temperature
b. axons
The Peripheral Nervous System consists of nerves and ganglia. Nerves are nothing more than bundles of parallelly arranged nerve fibers surrounded by connective tissue. Each of these fibers is formed by an axon and the sheaths surrounding it. The ganglia, in turn, are accumulations of neurons, which usually form spherical structures, are located outside the central nervous system and are also linked by axons bridges.
Procedure Bigsub is
procedure A (Flag: Boolean ) is
v,w : Integer
procedure B is
u,y : Integer
end; -- of B
if flag
then B;
else C;
end; -- of A
procedureC is
u,w,y : Integer;
procedure D is
t,z : Integer
z = t*u + y-w;
end; -- of D
end; -- of C
t,u,v : Integer
end; <span>-- of BigSub</span>