Stone polygons is the peri glacial landform feature results from the sorting of surface stones and soil particles into stripes or polygons.
The coordinates that make up a polygon region are determined by actual latitude and longitude values. A point (position) is the fundamental building block of a polygon, and you need at least three points to enclose a region in a polygon.
A peri glacial landform is a structure that is the product of strong frost, frequently in conjunction with perma frost. Periglacial landforms can only be found in regions with cold, essentially nonglacial conditions.
In the arctic and subarctic regions, rivers draining perma frost-covered basins release water and debr is into the sea, forming peri glacial-deltaic landscapes.
Learn more about polygons here
Prestige is a concept or factor that receives relatively little sustained attention in the specialist academic work on nations, national identity and nationalism. It is, however, an implicit influence in much of this literature. Evidence, perspectives and insights, suggesting that prestige is a vital element in the psychological constitution of nations, emerge from a diverse range of sources.
Area with a set if common features and characteristics
Utilitarian(answer D) is the term used by marketers to describe a desire to achieve some functional or practical benefits. Utilitarian needs motivate some people which emphasize mainly in objective, tangible attributes of products. Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number
Ashley can state her findings as statistically significant, which means that the findings are real and cannot be explained solely by chance or random factors.
The concept of statistical significance determines whether conclusions drawn from a data set cannot be the result of chance. Additionally, statistical significance can be used by researchers to determine whether or not results are "genuine" and reliable. Higher assurance or confidence in the results is implied by high statistical significance.
Learn more about statistical significance here: