Answer: Tool Kit
Explanation: Ann Swidler, a sociologist came up with the idea that people use a tool kit consisting of symbols, stories, rituals, and world views to create a plan of action for solving problems. This is how culture shapes our behavior and not through values. The way we draw on this tool kit varies during settled and unsettled cultural periods.
During settled cultural periods, culture arms individuals with several resources such as those in this tool kit. In unsettled cultural periods, action is determined by the available resources as well as defined values.
give a lil more detail plz it's confus8ng
<span>The </span>constitution<span> of a </span>country is a special type of law document<span> that tells how the </span>government<span> is supposed to work.
Government of the people , by the people , for the people .
Nation Building:
</span>Nation-building is <span>or structuring</span><span> a </span>national<span> identity using the power of the state. </span>