<h3><u>Comparison between Galapagos penguin and cold adapted Emperor penguin of Antarctica:</u></h3>
<u>Galapagos penguin:</u>
- Galapagos penguins are the only species of penguins that live north of the Equator.
- The Galapagos penguins breed all-round the year.
- The Galapagos penguins are smaller compared to the cold-adapted emperor penguins of Antarctica.
- The breeding and nesting place of the Galapagos penguins lie on the shoreline.
<u>Emperor penguin:</u>
- The emperor penguins live and adapt to the cold Antarctic environment.
- The Emperor penguins breed only during the Antarctic winters.
- The nesting of emperor penguins is on ice cliffs and icebergs where the eggs are protected from the strong and cold Antarctic winds.
- However, both of these species of penguins are at risk of extinction due to the rise in temperature and shortage of foods.
Plant cells have cell walls, while animal cells don't have cell walls.
A community
silicon dioxide Si02 and diamond
because it's commonly found in nature
Differences between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
1. Anatomical: The location of preganglionic neurons of the autonomic ganglia and the extension of preganglionic and postganglionic fibers are different in these two systems;
2. Pharmacological: In the Sympathetic system we have the presence of Cholinergic fibers (Ach) and in the Parasympathetic system we have the presence of Noradrenergic fibers (NE);
3. Physiological: They act antagonistically, they rarely work harmoniously synergistically in coordinating visceral activity (balance)