Los métodos anticonceptivos para ser eficaces en el control de la natalidad deben ser seguros para las personas que los utilizan, es decir, no tener efectos adversos, o al menos, la menor cantidad posible. Ser reversibles, es decir, que no generen infertilidad de por vida. Deben ser además fáciles de usar, cómodos y fáciles de conseguir, esto es, económicos. Además deben ser eficientes en su objetivo de evitar la concepción, que es para lo que fueron creados.
La tasa de eficacia de un método anticonceptivo se mide por la cantidad de embarazos que se producen cada 100. Esta parece ser la característica más importante, y si bien es una de las más importantes, hay que tener en cuenta todos los otros factores mencionados, es decir que la gente pueda acceder a ellos, sean cómodos, seguros y a un precio coherente.
These scientists all carried out experiments in accordance with the basic biological principle that life comes from pre-existing life. They investigated the theory of spontaneous generation and proved that life comes from life.
This also demonstrates that science is a way of knowing because they used what they saw in these experiments in other situations as well. They became able to do this only because they knew about this information and they got to know this information through science.
In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) refers to the waves (or their quanta, photons) of the electromagnetic field, propagating (radiating) through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.
If I understood the question.
ATP<span> is responsible for cocking (pulling back) the myosin head, ready for another cycle. When it binds to the myosin head, it causes the cross bridge between actin and myosin to detach. </span>ATP<span> then provides the energy to pull the myosin back.</span>