When comparing decimals, start in the tenths place. The decimal with the biggest value there is greater. If they are the same, move to the hundredths place and compare these values. If the values are still the same keep moving to the right until you find one that is greater or until you find that they are equal.
Answer: 4/15 of the movie
Step-by-step explanation:
In the morning, Charlie watched ¹/₃ of a movie. He then watched some more at night.
At the end of the day, he still had ²/₅ of the movie to watch.
The proportions of an item must always add up to one. This means that if you added the 1/3 to the 2/5 and then to the fraction Charlie watch at night, they should add up to one.
¹/₃ + ²/₅ + x = 1
x = 1 - ¹/₃ - ²/₅

Is there choices ? I got 0.216