As the head organ in the body which controls, monitors, supervises and influences the different organ system in the body and of the individual -characteristics, personality, traits, cognition, perception, intelligence, sensation and motor responses. The brain controls the endocrine system by its part, located somwhere in the medial temporal lobe called the hypothalamus, the master gland of the body. The hypothalamus influences every gland secretion and hormonal function that preceeds and proceeds in the body of an organism -growth, drives, sex, survival and etc.
The hypothalamus sends sgnals from the different gland organs in the body that either exhibits or inhibits the activity of that particular gland releasing hormone.
The network of glands that release chemical messengers directly into the bloodstream is called the endocrine system. The endocrine system produces and secretes t<span>hese chemical messengers, referred as </span>hormones directly into bloodstream to transmit signals to appropriate part of body. The hormones regulate bodily functions like growth, metabolism, <span>tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, </span>sleep and mood.
Nucleic acid because it is genetic material
B-B. Gymnosperms are placed among Dicotyledons
What is responsible for the increased stability of DNA compared to RNA? DNA is a more stable molecule than RNA because it lacks a hydroxyl group on the 2' carbon and is therefore more resistant to cleavage, and because the two sugar-phosphate backbones are held together by many hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases.
Hope this answers your question.