1) if vehicle condition is very poor
2) if distance cover by vehicle is too long
3) government norm and policy -
Step-by-step explanation:
Buying a own vehicle it's a big investment for particular standard people. Thus people are taking care about their vehicle warranty which is first given by manufacturer. But as the time pass one need to extend their warranty.
There can be many factor on the basis of which extended warranty can be denied. some of them are listed below
1) if vehicle condition is very poor - every engine has its own specific life. if engine exceed that particular life then it needed to be changed or maintained.
2) if distance cover by vehicle is too long - it also affect the engine life. longer the distance cover by the vehicle lesser will be the engine life
3) government norm and policy - there is a specifc rule for vehicle warranty.
it is ordered from government agency that vehicle more than 10 year life period are more likely to banned.