In general terms, most human beings are committed to obeying the law. However, to give a well-founded answer it's important to take into consideration the concepts of <em>ethics </em>and <em>morality</em> and also the cultures involved in this matter. Having said that, in the dilemma of a person being forced to choose between breaking the law to help a friend or not breaking the law but disappointing a friend, the results I would expect are the following:
The Hindu population (adults and children), based on the complex and inherent concept of <em>Dharma, </em>which assigns a high value to right conduct, ethics and morality, would tend to prioritise the obedience to law while the group of Americans would probably hesitate in this forced decision. Some psychology specialists talk about a moral crisis in America in which the limits of moral conviction, virtues and vices, good and evil, right and wrong are not very clear. If this applies to a vast part of American society, they would not be expected to choose law obedience in first place.
The transforming South africa are it's diversity communication and training in all the workplaces.
accelerated corporate interest in this field is monitored by government of the country.
the common instruments of measure are anemometer, wind vane, pressure sensor, thermometer, hygrometer, and rain gauge. The weather measures are formatted in special format and transmit to WMO to help the weather forecast model.
Vasco Da Gama explored the ocean trade route from Lisbon,Portugal to Calicut,India because Portuguese rulers used to pay money to explorers who found new routes. Due to his efforts,Portugal broke all trades with the Arab world who had monopoly earlier in the Indian Ocean. And because muslims had captured as terrorists on Portugal,Portugal never wanted to trade with them in the first place. Vasco was the pioneer who started Europe's trade with Asia and is considered as chief saviour of modern civilisation.Europe would have suffered from barbarism if he had not discovered India. Pand Portugal destroyed Arab muslims ships when they were coming to India and later they destroyed the trade of Arabs with India.Portugal started sending spices from India to Portugal at much cheaper rates .
Global Warming due to overpopulation, landfills, and pollution.