Answer: No, government services could create inflation, which decreases the purchasing power of consumers.
Expansionary fiscal policy is when the government expands the money supply in the economy. It can either increase government spending or cut taxes. This provides consumers and businesses more money to spend.
The purpose of expansionary fiscal policy is to boost economic growth. It is used when the government wants to reduce unemployment, increase consumer demand, and avoid a recession. If the recession has already occurred, it seeks to end it.
The policy comes with some risks. High inflation is one of the most common ones. There is also a time lag between when a policy move is made and when it works its way through the economy, which makes analysis difficult.
Answer: The correct answer is <em>True.</em>
Tortious conduct is also known as tortious interference. This occurs when a person or group interferes with a contract of another person that will cause financial harm.
A third party can convince someone to leave a deal right before the deal is legally bound. The third party can offer incentives to the group or person to leave that deal. This can also happen during a sale of goods or property when the person or group has not yet signed the papers but are in the last stages of negotiation.
The most common form of tortious conduct is when a person uses blackmail, offers a lower price, or refuses to transport goods to get someone to break their contract with the third party. If there is enough proof of this, a judge can determine if there was tortious conduct.
The term raw material denotes materials in unprocessed or minimally processed states; e.g., raw latex, crude oil, cotton, coal, raw biomass, iron ore, air, logs, water, or "any product of agriculture, forestry, fishing or mineral in its natural form or which has undergone the transformation required to prepare
I am a slave in Africa I am a slave in America
I am enslaved in my homeland
I am far from home
I am not happy here I am not happy here
I was taken by my own people
I was taken by another race
I am separated from my family I am separated from my family
And so on...