1. Every framework has their doing in arranging our body capacities. Regardless of whether it's the heart drawing blood through our body and lungs boosting oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide. Endocrine gives the correspondence through hormones; secrete their hormones directly into the bloodstream and uses blood vessels as information channels. It stimulates sebaceous glands whereas the sex hormones affect the distribution of subcutaneous fat. In addition, the endocrine system regulates metabolism, growth and development of tissues, and sexual functions. The endocrine and integumentary systems correlate with the sense organs, which react to heat, cold, vibration, texture, and pressure. When such senses are produced by the sense organs they react to the senses and send the information to the endocrine system and therefore hormones are released which causes the mood swings according to the situation. For example, it reacts to the body with pleasure or discomfort related to the senses.
2. Atomic solution and radiology bring the procedures which analyze and regard maladies by utilizing radiopharmaceuticals as the pictures of body organs or envision certain infections. This involves radiations which are used to diagnose, treat and prevent certain diseases. In the present era, these procedures are the best and hence the most effective life-saving techniques. They are safe and painless as compared to other surgical treatments involving operations. They don’t even require anesthesia. Both of these techniques are used in diagnosing a disease and monitoring the course of an illness. They are then used for the treatment of any disease as well. Diseases such as cancer or heart disease are therefore treated by radiation technology.<span> </span>
<u>Correlation of endocrine system with sensory organs:</u> let's take the example of the neuroendocrine system The endocrine nervous system is composed of several brain areas with distinct functions, such as the control of various reflexes or functions important for survival. This system contains, for simplicity, two types of structures: glands and endocrine sensory sensors. The glands are the place of production and secretion of hormones, which will travel in the blood to act on a target organ. They can be seen as a sort of remote command centre, giving orders to the organs.
<u>Correlation of integumentary system with sensory organs:</u> The integumentary system designates in anatomy, a biological tissue located at the interface of the internal and external environment of an organism, at the level of the external coating of the body (skin, hair, nails, etc.). The integumentary system forms the outer layer of the body. The integumentary system has a role in communication: through the sensory receptors (heat, pain, pressure), the organism is informed of the nature of its direct environment; in addition, the general appearance of the integument communicates indirectly to other individuals information to estimate the state of health or ageing of the body.
<u>Roles of radiology and nuclear medicine:</u> Nuclear medicine and radiology can be used to - Detect a tumour; - Determine the spread of cancer;- To know if cancer treatment is effective;- Diagnose inflammation;- To check how much the heart pumps blood;- Or check the structure or functioning of tissues or organs, such as the brain, thyroid gland, liver, heart, kidneys or bones.
The water has a dipole that causes it to act like a magnet, attracting other water molecules to it. Adhesion is the attractive forces that cause water to "stick" to a surface other than its own. ... The salt water has a much lower cohesion than plain water so it's attractive forces are less than plain water.