Computer manual is the user guide that comes along with the computer set to inform the users about the functions, ways to assemble the parts, and so on.
The user manual consists of guide for the users specially for electronic products such as computers, refrigerators; softwares, and so on. These manuals are written by technical writers, programmers, etc.
<u>In the given scenario the technician needs to refer to computer manual to know the meaning of the lights on the backside of the computer.</u>
So, the correct answer is option B.
Ummmm the solution is ummm brb
Answered below
//Program is written in Java programming language
Class RegularPolygon{
int sides = 0;
int length = 0;
public void randomize(RegularPolygon polygon){
int randomSides = (int) 10 + (Math.random() * 20);
double randomLength = 5 + (Math.random() * 11);
polygon.sides = randomSides;
polygon.length = randomLength;