Answer: Option (A) & (D) are correct.
Layer 2 switch is commonly referred to as a type of network or device switch that tends to work on data link layer and use MAC addresses in order to determine the route through which the frames are forwarded.
An IDS known as intrusion detection system is commonly referred to as a device or application that controls a network for malevolent activity and its policy violations.
see explaination
I made use of python program to solve this.
text file name with fun.txt.
6 fun. 3 hello 10 <> 2 25 4 wow!
Program code:
import re
file = open('fun.txt','r') #for reading file
strings="" #declaring empty string
for k in file:
strings=strings+k #all character in file is storing in strings variable for do operations
pattern = '\s' #for pattern \s is for space
result = re.split(pattern, strings) #split the string with space
for k in range(len(result)): #loop through the list of string
if(k%2) == 0: #checking for integer to time of string
print(result[k+1] *p) #print times of the string(k+1)
Check attachment for output
Given code output is "786".
list1 = [ 'cyber', 786 , 2.23, 'square', 70.2 ]#defining a list list1 that holds value in parameter
print (list1[1] )#use a print method that prints list index value
In the given code a list "list1" is declared that holds value in it and in the next step a print method is declared that prints the first index value of the list.
engineers design and carry out test cases and evaluate exit criteria (by following the scope set in the planning phase). They create bug reports describing detected defects and report to the stakeholders on the test findings and the completion status. Testing may be repeated to check for errors.