1. Make more money 2. Become less disonantes 3. I don’t know this one
D. Executive function testing
Executive functions is the ability of the brain to perform complex activities such as how to maintain certain types of behavior and proper mental planning.
The executive functions comprises of domains such as mental flexibility, verbal fluency, planning, working memory, inhibitory control, and processing speed. This domains sums up the executive functions.
However the executive function testing employs techniques have been used to explore whether there are basic areas of understanding about the physical world that appear to be innate and built into the human brain.
They were forced to leave their homes and travel to an assigned Reservation. This was know as the Indian Removal Act.
Human potential movement pertains to self-fulfillment.
Self-fulfillment is the function of an individual to become satisfied, contented and fulfilled. Also called self-actualized, the need for self-actualization is an important drive for fulfilling human potentials. From a humanistic view, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs first shows how self-actualization is one of the most important needs of human.