The two circuits of the cardiovascular system are: Pulmonary Circuit and Systematic Circuit. The pulmonary circuit is shorter than the systemic and is responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood to the lungs from the right atrium, for oxygenation. The systemic circuit is longer and leaves the aortic artery, carrying oxygenated blood throughout the body and nutrients for survival. If less blood were pumped into the systemic circuit, this amount would not be sufficient to compensate for the organism's needs, with the corresponding consequences that this would entail.
It is said that the cardiovascular system is a closed system because blood travels inside a network of blood vessels without leaving them.
The color produced by one milligram of platinum cobalt in one liter of dissolved water is fixed as one unit of color in platinum-cobalt scale.
Traditional treatment options for cholinergic urticaria are antihistamines, leukotriene inhibitors, and immunosuppressives. However, cholinergic urticaria in some patients may be refractory. Sometimes, an attack of cholinergic urticaria can be aborted by rapid cooling.
Chromosomes are Inherited From Your Parents. One chromosome from each of your 23 pairs came from each of your parents. The two chromosomes of a pair (except for the sex chromosomes) contain the same genes, but the genes have small differences. Things like SNPs make each copy of a gene uniquely Mom's or Dad's.
Seismic waves travel in all the directions and used to determine the magnitude of an earthquake. There are 3 types of seismic waves that move in different directions.
1. P wave: It is the fastest of all three waves that travel through the interior of the earth and are compressive waves.
2. S wave: Secondary waves generally follow the P waves and travel through the interior of the earth but are shearing waves.
3. Surface wave: This is the slowest of all three waves that moves close to the surface of the ground.
These waves affect the movement of other materials when they are passing through the interior or surface of the earth.
P waves can move through the solid rocks and even liquids. S waves do not travel through the liquids such as water and molten magma. Surface waves causes shaking of the ground and do not go deep inside the earth.