Option B, the diver will hear the sound first.
Sound need a medium to travel from one place to another, the medium where atoms are more closely packed together, the better will be speed of sound. That is why sound won’t travel in a vacuum because there are no particles to bump together to transmit the vibration.
- In air, the particles are generally far from each other so they travel further before they bump into one another.
- In water, the particles are much closer together, and they can quickly transmit vibration energy from one particle to the next. This means that the sound wave travels over four times faster than it would in air.
⇒ D. Blood sugar levels dropping after missing a meal
⇒ Words such as after, caused, because, and then signals response.
When a pathogen comes in contact with your body, it has to breach the first line of defense to get inside. Your skin and mucus membranes are the main barrier here. Mucus traps the pathogens, and then is forced out of your body when you cough or blow your nose. Your skin also secretes chemicals that have antiviral properties, killing viruses on contact. If the pathogens get through that defense, the next line is non-specific immunity cells that patrol your tissues engulfing pathogens. There are other cells that do this, like macrophages, but the dendritic cells are most important for activating the third line of defense in your body.
Dendritic cells reside in your tissues, waiting for an invader to arrive. When they do find one, they engulf it and digest it. After they do this, they select pieces of the invader called antigens and put them on their surfaces. The dendritic cells migrate back to lymph nodes, key locations in your body filled with immune cells. There, they show the antigens, called antigen presentation, to two types of lymphocytes, T-cells and B-cells, activating them for a full immune response.
Answer:Chromatography is actually a way of separating out a mixture of chemicals, which are in liquid or gas form, by letting them flow slowly past another substance, which is either a solid or a liquid. It consist of a stationary phase and a mobile phase.
Explanation: All chromatographic systems rely on the fact that a substance placed in contact with two unmixable phases, one movable phase and one stationary phase, will equilibrate between them. A selectivity (or separation) factor (α) is used to 'chemically' distinguish between sample components. It is usually measured as a ratio of the retention (capacity) factors (k) of the two peaks in question and can be visualized as the distance between the apices of the two peaks. reproducible fraction will partition into each phase, depending on the relative affinity of the substance for each phase. A substance which has affinity for the moving or mobile phase will be moved rapidly through the system. A material which has a stronger affinity for the stationary phase, on the other hand, will spend more time immobilized in that phase, and will take a longer time to pass through the system. Therefore, it will be separated from the first substance. By definition, chromatography is a separation technique in which a sample is equilibrated between a mobile and a stationary phase. A theoritical plate or tray is used to produces the best possible difference between the liquid and vapour phases in equilibrium with it
Chromatographic separations are best done with a small amount of analyte (substance to be separated during analysis), which keeps either phase from becoming saturated with analyte, so that the concentrations in the two phases are directly proportional. Overloading the column with sample causes one of the phases to become saturated, leading to a loss of column efficiency, and poorly shaped peak profiles.
The retention volume in chromatographic separation (Vr) is the volume of the mobile phase required to carry the solute through the column to elution, is related to the column flow (Fc) and the retention time (tr). Likewise, the volume of the mobile phase(Vm), is related to the flow and the time the void volume takes to pass through the column.
Band broadening using the kinetic model is a phenomenon that reduces the efficiency of the separation being carried out, leading to poor resolution and chromatographic performance. This is problematical in terms of both the quality of the separation obtained and the accuracy with which sample components can be quantified.The wider band results in a dilution effect that produces a decrease in peak height accompanied by a loss in sensitivity and resolution. The eddy dispersion, accounts for the source of band broadening related to any flow unevenness in the column.