Although they have different cultural identities, the several nations, which are part of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast have some traditions, practices and beliefs in common, such as the potlatch ceremonies. In the potlatch, people gathered in order to commemorate a specific event, which could be the raising of a Totem, marriages, changing of seasons or the election of a new chief.
These ceremonies were held in competition with one another, providing an ocasion to display wealth and power, by distributing important gifts to the guests, as well as entertaining the visitors with highly skilled dancers.
Conservadurismo es el nombre que se le da a las políticas políticas que enfatizan el valor de las tradiciones y costumbres y el progreso gradual en lugar de la revolución. Lo que se considera tradicional difiere de una sociedad a otra, por lo que las políticas conservadoras adoptan formas muy diferentes de un país a otro. Los conservadores de un país también pueden discutir sobre los valores básicos que deben mantenerse. Algunos conservadores quieren mantener el status quo mientras que otros buscan restaurar el status quo ante.
I believe the answer is A.
The battle led to the Gettysburg Address in which Lincoln redefined the Civil War as a struggle for freedom and democracy. Land preservation efforts began immediately after the Battle of Gettysburg and resulted in a national cemetery, consecrated by Lincoln on November 19, 1863
The dynasty that restored unity to China after Shi Huangdi's government crumbled was the Zhou Dynasty