A.Total cost 41 93 (52)
B. It would be much better to manufacture the carrying cases .
While Fixed factory overhead is less important to this decision.
Fremont Computer Company Differential Analysis
Make Alternative 1: Buy Alternative 2:
Differential effect on net income
Alternative 1 : Alternative 2: Differential effect
Purchase Price - 89 (89)
Direct material 16 - 16
Direct labor 20 - 20
Variable 1 - 1
manufacture overhead (20×5%)
Fixed (5-1) 4 4 -
manufacture overhead
Total cost 41 93 (52)
The Company should choose Alternative 1
which is Make carrying case
B. It would be much better to manufacture the carrying cases.
While Fixed factory overhead is less important to this decision.
Therefore in make or buy decision the selling price of the product will be less important because the selling price was not provided which means it does not have effect on the decision of buy or make.