please mark my answer brainliest
the 5 stages of depression ...
little stress...
little more stress....
a little more stress....
twice little more stress....
stress stress stress stress stress everywhere
Scientific Management focused on handling people with less conflict and building trust between the management and the workers to achieve higher efficiency and productivity. Administrative principles approach focused on the organization rather than the workers. In Administrative approach, they achieve higher efficiency and productivity by controlling, organizing, planning and commanding individual workers.
Multiracial feminism
Multiracial feminism is a branch of feminism spearheaded by women of colour and focuses on examining the intersection of key elements of identity like gender, race-ethnicity, sexual orientation, and economic class, it focuses on both international and a multiracial approach to the oppression of women.
Prior to class, skimming your notes from the last lecture and reviewing the summary section of your assigned preforms a pre-class warm up.