Answer: Repentance
Explanation: Expressed publicly, this act of speech can be seen as an act of weakness or, conversely, as an act of strenght that exalts the image of the issuer, far from reducing it. It would then be a statement that contains three speech acts: the act of recognition of the fault, that of the proposal for reparation and the act of bravery that emerges from the public recongition of the lack of the politician´s regret is considered a discursive strategy of power that allows you to rehabilitate your image. In its strategic elaboration, the politician tries to appear sincere while mitigating or justifying the importance of the fault.
Answer: <em>Phenakistoscope</em>
The phenakistoscope is referred as the first animation device that was known to create fluid illusions of motions. It is also regarded as one of the first type of motion media entertainment which later paved the road for future motion film and picture industry. example a GIF. It was introduced in Le Figaro, a French newspaper, the term was derived from the Greek word <em>phenakisticos</em> meaning to deceive.
The Following can be categorized by Exact or Uncertainly
(a)The number of eggs in a basket:Exactly
Because eggs is countable
(b)The mass of a dozen eggs:Uncertain
Because each egg can weigh differently
(c)The no of gallons of gasoline necessary to fill an automobile gas tank:Exactly
Because Volume of tank is known
(d)The number of cm in 2 m:Exactly
(e)The mass of a textbook:Exactly
(f)Time required to drive from San Francisco to Kansas city at an average speed of 53 mi/h: Uncertain
Because events like traffic and accidents might cause delay.
I think my answer is C, because government have too much power to control over farmers
He will probably not have a good relationship with the person and he should start making good career decisions