The answer to number 2 is ' as the price of a good rises...products' and the answer to number 3 is Calculator and Cell Phone.
What is Nick's opinion of the people at Gatsby's parites when he says "that once there, the guests conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with amusement parks"?
didn't care what they did, reckless, nick didn't like it and showed contempt for their rude behaviorWhy do Jordan and Nick leave the group from East Egg at Gatsby's party?to find GatsbyWhat do Gatsby and Nick have in common?both in the third division in France during the warWhy do you suppose that Jordan doesn't believe Gatsby when he says that he had attended Oxford College in England?Gatsby didn't fit that image of an oxford man, people that go to oxford generally have old money and gatsby lives in new moneyWhat do you think Fitzgerald wishes to convey about Gatsby's parties through the incident with the drunks and the car and the husbands and wives arguing?even though they are wealthy, parties usually end in drunkeness and unhappinessWhat is the purpose of the last section of chapter 2 that begins, "Reading over what I have written so far..."?shows us his life apart from Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, and Jordan which he spent most of his time talking aboutWhy is Nick a little disappointed with Gatsby?its hard to establish a relationship because he has very little to sayWhat changes Nick's mind about the veracity of Gatsby's stories?the metal from Montenegro and the picture from OxfordHow did Daisy behave the night before her wedding?drunk and upset over a letter she got, she is considering breaking off the engagement and giving back the pearls he gave herIn chapter 5, what three stages does Gatsby go through as he waits for and then meets with Daisy?embarrassment, unreasoning joy, wonder (at her presence)How does Daisy react to meeting Gatsby for the first time?it was awkward, she was overtaken by unexpected joy, cries as he shows her his wealthWhat does Nick mean when he says, "even that afternoon Daisy tumbled short of Gatsby's dreams - not through her own fau
Aristóteles creía que toda la materia estaba hecha de cuatro elementos: fuego, agua, tierra y aire y a esta teoría la llamó continuista.
Los continuistas pensaban que:
- No hay límite para dividir la materia.
- Si las partículas, llamadas átomos, no pueden verse, entonces es que no existen.
- Todas las sustancias están formadas por las combinaciones de los 4 elementos básicos: agua, aire, tierra y fuego.
Los chinos, pensaban que había cinco componentes básicos del universo físico; tierra, madera, metal, fuego y agua.
wanted education and had an organized military
The answer is psychological and
safety needs. Psychological needs can be defined as: a psychological circumstance
in which somewhat is obligatory or sought. Safety needs in Maslow's hierarchy
discuss to the need for security and guard. When we have
our physiological needs for food and water happened, our safety
needs control our behavior. These needs have to do with
our usual desire for a foreseeable, arranged world that is somewhat within our