1. B-to protect children and staff from illness
2. C-monthly
The main purpose of a health policy is always to prevent or prevent illnesses mainly for children and then for staff people who are not less important since they will be those who are in contact with these children
A monthly health check is enough for a teacher to deal with diseases within the course. It is recommended due to the time it takes to perform the check and be able to perform it in a personalized way with each child.
Sugar is worse because it creates unhealthy fat, sugar can decay teeth and increase fat build up. Fat free food doesn't do much for you because you need fat to live, an avocado is made up of fats that are good for you when food is fat free they take out the good fat and the bad fats, type two diabetes is caused by insulin resistance and high levels of blood sugar. Fat build up in arteries can also cause heart attacks, but this is the bad type of fat and is typically from sugary substances like mass amounts of ice cream, funnel cake and bacon. Fatty fish and olive oil are very good for your heart and taste just as good as other foods with bad fats. Sugar creates bad fats and can eventually kill you and is highly addictive and yet we need it to live, sugar can cause immunity problems as well because it blocks blood cells. Sugar can also cause hyper-sensitivity (the feeling when everything is too much to handel or too loud) and anxiety and it leaves you wanting more. So although fat is bad sugar is the true enemy.
It should be easy, I don't know how to really explain this but it think it's 33.2% divided by the other number or so, if this is wrong just search up a caculator.