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Access the File<span> menu, choose </span>Info Pane<span> to get to </span>Backstage view, you can see Properties on t<span>he area on the right side </span>of the current PowerPoint presentation. <span>Within the </span>Properties<span> pane click the </span>Show All Properties<span> option , T</span><span>his will displays properties such as </span>Size<span>, the number of </span>Slides<span>, </span>Hidden Slides<span>, the number of </span>Multimedia Clips, etc. Some of the entries are editable w<span>ithin the </span>Properties pane, and some are not. Just move your mouse cursor over any detail of a property. The editable sections will change the cursor into edit mode.
They may not have enough money for the bill at the time, and its easier to pay for insurance for unseen medical procedures.
Probably providing a common calendar
Automated targeting
Display Automated Targeting is an automated targeting option within the Audience settings of the display campaigns that gives Google full right to show your ads to an audience that is “similar” to the one you specified.