an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure.
Contrapposto is an Italian term and it is use in visual art to describe
an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with and balances the line of the hips and legs. It was an important sculptural development,it unveiling marks the first time in Western art that the human body is used to expression of relaxed physiological disposition.
Answer: d. Predators avoid prey that are in their prime in order to maintain a high reproductive rate in the prey population, and hence 'grow' prey for the future.
A predator can be define as an organism superior and strong enough to kill inferior and weaker organism. This organism kill other organism to obtain it as food. A prey is an organism which is weak and cannot defend itself from the attack of the superior organism.
d. is the correct option. This is because the predators do not bother about the age and strength of the prey. They attack over them whether the prey is weak , young, prime, or old and try to obtain it as food.
This finding indicates the damage of the mid-brain
This is evident due to the Decerebrate posturing, which is characterized by abnormal extension in response to painful stimuli, that indicates damage of the midbrain. On the other hand, damage to the diencephalon or cortex, abnormal flexion, occurs when a painful stimulus is applied. While medulla damage results in flaccidity.
Some individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce than others because they are fit and easily adapting. This idea is called 'survival of the fittest'.
The central nervous system (CNS) does not have capacity to repair itself but, the PNS or the peripheral nervous system can repair and regenerate itself. The PNS can regenerate its damaged axon only when its cell body or cyton and its neurilemma are intact. The proximal end of the cyton has growth cones. The axon grows from the cones.