In a nutshell, Uriel is a fictional planet in Madeleine L'Engle's sci-fi/fantasy book A Wrinkle in Time… 'the third planet of the star Malak in the spiral nebula Messier 101,' to quote the book exactly. It is a beautiful and peaceful planet, inhabited by beautiful and peaceful creatures.
On the way to rescue Dr. Murry, Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin make a pit stop on Uriel. The purpose for this pit stop, according to Mrs. Whatsit, is 'more or less to catch our breaths. And to give you (the children) a chance to know what you're up against.'
To fully understand this planet and its role in the story, a little background knowledge is important.
When you join to independent clauses with a conjunction you stablishes the equality in this clauses, however in this case you can see that the clauses have a causal relation, it could be said If you don’t hold my hand, I will drown, in this case the best conjunction to put the clauses together is “or” “Hold my hand or I will drown.”
Setup confrontation resolution
Introduction, Rising action, Climax , Falling Action, Resolution
It is the reason something exist for example if you ask what the purpose of a car is you would say its purpose is to get me from one place to another.