Smooth & yellow: 9
smooth & green: 3
wrinkled & yellow: 3
wrinkled & green: 1
Gene controlling seed color are yellow Vs green
Gene controlling seed texture are smooth Vs wrinkled
In F1 generation, A true breeding smooth green plant (SSyy) is crossed to a true breeding wrinkled yellow (ssYY)
Off spring in F1 generation are smooth yellow (SsYy)
This means smooth texture is dominant over wrinkled texture and yellow color is dominant over green
in F2 generation, the cross is carried between SsYy
SY Sy sY sy
Sy SSYy SSyy SsYy Ssyy
sY SsYY SsYy ssYY ssYy
sy SsYy Ssyy ssYy ssyy
Smooth & yellow: 9
smooth & green: 3
wrinkled & yellow: 3
wrinkled & green: 1
Cell division is a process that makes our skin, tissues, muscles, sex cells etc. It is the building block of our body.
When parents cells ahs been divided into two or more than two daughter cells then it is called division of cells. The division of cells occur as a larger cell. When we talk about eukaryotic cells, these cells divided into two distinct types of the cells, the vegetative cells.
The daughter cells are the identical to the parents cells genetically. There are two types of division such as mitosis and meiosis. When parents cells divides in daughter cells and daughter cells divided further, this process called the cells cycle. The mitosis cell division occur interphase. Meiosis cell division occur in two phase meiosis I and meiosis II.
organelles such as nuclei, mitochondria or chloroplast
The average kinetic energy of the particles in a material is measured by temperature. The overall kinetic energy of the particles in a material is measured by thermal energy. The higher the particle mobility, the higher the temperature and thermal energy of a material.