Your next-door neighbors want to go on a European vacation but cannot afford it. so they decide to visit a local amusement park instead. this is an example of the economizing problem.
<h3>What's a profitable problem?</h3>
- Profitable systems as a type of social system must defy and break the three abecedarian profitable problems.
- What kinds and amounts of goods shall be produced," how important and which of indispensable goods and services shall be produced?"
- How shall goods be produced?. by whom and with what coffers( using what technology).?"
- For whom are the goods or services produced? Who benefits? Samuelson reworded this question as" how is the aggregate of the public product to be distributed among different individualities and families?
<h3>Why is the scrimping problem important?</h3>
- All societies face the profitable problem, which is the problem of how to make the stylish use of limited, or scarce, coffers.
- The profitable problem exists because, although the requirements and wants of people are endless, the coffers available to satisfy requirements and wants are limited.
Learn more about economizing problem here:
Resources are characterized as renewable or nonrenewable; a renewable resource can replenish itself at the rate it is used, while a nonrenewable resource has a limited supply. Renewable resources include timber, wind, and solar while nonrenewable resources include coal and natural gas.
The process by which a legislator votes in favor of the legislation of other lawmakers in order to gain support for her own legislation is known as logrolling.
The answer is Both Men and Women get Shorter
As we age, our bodies start to lose cartilage between the bones. People with Osteoporosis might even cause the spinal column to shorten.
Losing Muscle muscle mass in the body also leads to weakness and can have an impact on the height of a person.