<span>There are 3 several ways to place an order for 5 items, like for example all or 5 tricycles, the number of wheels that will be needed is 15 wheels, for 5 order of wagons, the number of wheels that will be needed is 20 wheels, then lastly the 5 order combinations like 3 tricycles and 2 wagons the number of wheels that will be needed are 17 wheels.</span>
<span>forth to the sun is 1 light-year</span>
Step-by-step explanation:
To find the volume of the sphere we need to know its radius.
And the radius can be found with the information we have about the surface area.
The formula for the surface area is as follows:
from this formula we clear the radius r:
and we substitute the known value of the surface area, and also the value of :
and now that we know the radius we find the volume:
the volume of the sphere is