Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. If this happens, blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. SCA usually causes death if it's not treated within minutes.
Ban: Health protection
Medical: Both
Carpooling: Both
Testing: Health protection
Health Edu.: Health promotion
wash his hands after disposing of the remaining spinach
get an adequate amount of rest
contact his doctor if his fever goes above 101 degrees
The stomach is an organ located predominately in the Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ). The main responsibility of the stomach is to dissolve the ground up food approaching from the mouth through the esophagus, and break it down so it would be to a point wear nutrient could be absorbed.
To donthis task, the stomach must employ, as mentioned Salts and Enzymes, but the most important bit is a very strong acid; Hydrochloric Acid. Your stomach is one of the few organic things that can withstand such an acid.
<span>A British clergyman and economist named THOMAS MALTHUS predicted that populations would grow at a very rapid rate (exponential rate and that the production of food and other vital resources would increase at a much slower rate. as a result, human populations would be subjected to a variety of checks on population growth such as warfare, famine, and disease.</span>