Asepsis refers to the absence of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. When handling a syringe the user can handle all parts of the syringe except for the needle. As soon as the needle comes into contact with anything it can immediately come into contact with bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Which can cause an infection in the individual on which the syringe is being used on.
The answer is A. flattened maxilla.
The answer is positive interference
they all come together and help with breathing and oxygen :)
A cleft chin is an example of a trait that is controlled by genetics. A cleft chin is when there is a dimple in the chin which arises when the two sides of the jaw don’t completely fuse together. Famous people with cleft chins are Henry Cavill, John Travolta and Niall Horan.
A cleft chin is generally thought to be a dominant trait. That means, if an individual carries one copy of the cleft chin gene (heterozygous), then they will display the trait.
There are three options: an individual can be homozygous dominant (CC), homozygous recessive (cc) or heterozygous (Cc). A heterozygous person will always have 2 different alleles (for any trait, not just cleft chin). In this case, a heterozygous person will have a cleft chin, because it is dominant. Therefore, an heterozygous person with a cleft chin will be Cc
Remember, the letter doesn't matter - they could also be denoted as Bb, Qq, Rr, Ff. The letter is arbitrary.