cells make up tissues, which make up organs. organs make up organ systems which make up organisms
Because they have more underlying factors such as (straight) brown hair or (curly) blonde hair from different parents. A punnet square would be too big and confusing if we considered all the factors that came from the parents.
3-musculoskeletal system
have a good day, good luck!
Drug that demages capsule is used to treat viral infection because Curing a viral infection antibiotics are useless against viral infections. This is because viruses are so simple that they use their host cells to perform their activities for them. So antiviral drugs work differently to antibiotics, by interfering with the viral enzymes instead.
Antiviral drugs are currently only effective against a few viral diseases, such as influenza, herpes, hepatitis B and C and HIV – but research is ongoing. A naturally occurring protein, called interferon (which the body produces to help fight viral infections), can now be produced in the laboratory and is used to treat hepatitis C infections.