D. They help plants get nutrients and water form soill This is called mutualism.
Answer: osmosis
Explanation: osmosis is the movement of the water molecules from a region of high concentration of solute to a region of low concentration of solute, through a semi-permeable membrane.
This movement occurs until the concentration on both sides is on equilibrium.
Semi permeable membrane allows the movement of water only but not the solute.
In this case,water moves from region A to region B.
The answer is the apoplast, the symplast, and the transmembrane pathway.
1. The apoplast pathway occurs through cell walls and space between cells. So, water does not cross any cell membrane as it travels this pathway.
2. The symplast pathway occurs through the continuum of cytoplasm. So, water travels through plasmodesmata which connect cells.
3. The transmembrane pathway occurs across cell membranes. So, water enters the cell on one side of the membrane and exits on the other.