Potential Explosions
Radioactive Waste
1st option
Nuclear Fission is not a good source of energy. This is by reason of only 0.7% of the uranium being captured. This is small even if one doesn't mention that only 40% of that 0.7% is converted into usable energy. There are also chances that the power plant could explode during conversion. All of this evidence points to the fact that Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Energy themselves should not be relied on.
Sun and Stars
Uranium and Plutonium
A- uracil, test prep question
Because it is a fluid system, the atmosphere is capable of supporting a wide spectrum of motions. These range from turbulent eddies of a few meters to circulations with dimensions of the Earth itself. By rearranging mass, air motion influences otheratmospheric components such as water vapor, ozone, and cloud, which figure prominently in radiative and chemical processes. Such influence makes the atmospheric circulation a key ingredient of the global energy budget.
right off of go ogle
The physical characteristics of an organism is its phenotype. I remember this because phenotype and physical both start with 'ph.'
Hope this helps. Good luck! :)