Date: 7/# (whatever date needed)
Type of Activity: Flexibility
Description of Activity: Yoga
Downward Dog: 30 sec
Low Cobra: 30 sec
Childs Pose: 30 sec
High lunge: Warrior 1: 30 sec
Warrior 2: 30 sec
Cat/Cow Pose: 30 sec
Bridge Pose: 30 sec
Corps pose: 3 mins
Intensity Level: Moderate
Time: 13:30
There is no warm up or cool down needed for stretching**
The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 °C, equal to one thousand small calories and often used to measure the energy value of foods
Negative Reinforcement
Negative reinforcement is the process in which a behavior is strengthened by stopping or removing the negative outcome.
It simply means to turn a negative action to a positive action.
The withdrawal of a harmful thing from the environment in response to a positive action on the part of the subject is called NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT in operant conditioning, it means removing of a harmful thing from the environment by turning those harmful thing to something that is harmless that is from negative to positive or from bad to good.
Example parents can use negative reinforcement to motivate and change their children behavior.