B: Gia, who wears only clothes that are in the latest style, even though she doesn't personally like them.
Peer pressure occurs when group of people coerce each other to go along with certain beliefs or behaviors.
Some of the main causes of peer pressure are related to age-appropriate behavior. Adolescents develop a strong desire to fit in with their peers and be accepted by them. This desire makes adolescent peer pressure tough to resist.
You prepare the food to be swallowed by chewing it. This process allows the food to mix with saliva, and transforms it into a moistened puree
Your swallowing reflex is triggered as your tongue pushes the food to the back of your throat. During this phase, your windpipe closes tightly and your breathing stops. This prevents food from going down the wrong pipe.
2 cups raw spinach, 1 medium pear, 1 medium white potato.
2 medium carrots, 2 cups raw kale, 1 medium white potato.
It is the state in which the consciousness is altered and is characterised by the following feature
- Reduced muscular activity
- The response to the outer stimuli is decreased
- There is stage of rapid eye movement in the deep sleep
During sleep, there are different changes that occur in the body such as decrease in blood pressure ,changes in the brain activity ,change in the breathing rate and body temperature.
The amount of sleep needed by an individual changes as the body ages , for example a baby needs more sleep than the adult ,who needs 6-8 hours per day to function properly .