<h3>What is the difference between group and a topic ?</h3>
- You can publish a comment or question to the main community feed or to a group of which you are a member. Members with a common interest can form group within the wider community to form a small community around that topic and group posts will only appear in the feeds of other group members, not in the general community feed.
- Topic work similarly to hashtags. Use the "+" symbol to the left of the Post/Ask button to add a topic (tag) to your post or question so that it can be classified along with other related posts and topics are a way to group posts and queries with similar content, but they don’t bring everyone with the same interest together in one place and this is where the groups come in!
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Graphical User Interface clicking on various icons to perform a certain functionality. GUI is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation, instead of text-based user interfaces or command line interface where you would have to type to run the program rather than just click it.
A deque waitingLine is created.Then Jack is added to front of the deque first.After that Rudy is added to the front of the deque.AFter that Larry and sam are inserted at the back.So the last item inserted at the front is front of the deque.So Rudy was the last item inserted at the front.
Hence we conclude that the answer is Rudy.
pgp --encrypt "my-message.txt" --recipient (Sean) --output ("secret-message.txt.gpg")
PGP encryption from the command line can be done using the following format:
- pgp --encrypt (input) --recipient (user) --output (output file)
Therefore, PGP command line syntax to encrypt the my-message.txt file for a specific user (Sean) and save the output as secret-message.txt.gpg is:
- pgp --encrypt "my-message.txt" --recipient (Sean) --output ("secret-message.txt.gpg")
Greeting with a smile, open handed gestures, and making eye contact
I used this on E2020 and got it right