1. Copyright.
2. Songs and books.
A copyright law can be defined as a set of formal rules granted by a government to protect an intellectual property by giving the owner an exclusive right to use while preventing any unauthorized access, use or duplication by others.
For example, when an individual downloads a song owned by any record company without paying a purchase fee, it is a violation of copyright law.
A copyright can be defined as an exclusive legal right granted to the owner of a creative work (intellectual property) to perform, print, record, and publish his or her work. Also, the owner is granted the sole right to authorize any other person to use the creative work.
Hence, copyright is a kind of rules that protect everyone’s rights when we use each other’s content.
An intellectual property can be defined as an intangible creation of the human mind, ideas, thoughts or intelligence. Some examples of an intellectual property are songs, books, poems, technology, design etc.
In a file extension, it tells what type of file it is and tells what compiler to run the code.
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Especificación para diseñar lenguajes de marcado, que permite definir etiquetas personalizadas para descripción y organización de datos. ¿Para que sirve XML? Representar información estructurada en la web (todos documentos), de modo ... Las etiquetas se definen para crear los documentos, no tienen un significado