If by 2030 China became, as current data estimates, the world's largest economy, this would mean a series of global changes in macroeconomic matters: A) for the world trade system, China would become the main exporter given its huge population (estimated at 1.6 billion people) added to its economic capacity, which would flood the world markets with manufactured products in this country, increasing the fiscal surplus and employment for its inhabitants; furthermore, it would relegate many nations to being secondary producers; B) the monetary system would watch the emergence of the Renmimbi as a new reference currency, displacing the dollar and the euro from the center of the scene; C) Commodity prices would be determined according to the consumption and production needs of China, with which the products demanded in this country will have high value.
Differences in Operating Incomes Under Absorption Costing and Variable Costing:
The 2020 operating income under absorption costing is greater than the operating income under variable costing because
the ending inventory has carried over some fixed manufacturing costs, making the cost of goods sold less than under variable costing.
The differences in the operating incomes obtained under variable costing and absorption costing are due to the fixed manufacturing costs that are included in the ending inventory and carried forward to the next accounting period while the ending inventory under variable costing does not include any fixed manufacturing costs. Absorption costing is based on full costing system but, variable costing does not include the full costs.
balance sheet
A balance sheet is one of the most essential financial statements that helps accountants and managers grasp the financial structure of the company, at a <u>certain point of time</u>.
The balance sheet clearly states the company's assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity, rigorously adhering to the basic accounting equation:
Assets = Stockholder's Equity + Liabilities
The equilibrium of the equation above is non-negotiable; it relies on common sense too. Every company owns things - <em>assets</em>, which were obtained with the aid of a e.g. bank loan - <em>liability, </em>or investor money - <em>stockholders' equity</em>.
These three groups can be further itemized into smaller, concrete accounts. Also, the <em>liquidity principle</em> is applicable in terms of ordering the items in an increasing liquidity order.
The time context is also an important distinction of this specific financial statement. While statements such as the P&L statement refer to <em>a specific time interval</em> (year, quarter...), the balance sheet reflects <em>a specific point of time. </em>
Viral marketing is the Internet version of word-of-mouth marketing.
Viral Marketing is a term that can be best understood by considering the way a virus spreads continuously from one person to another and then to others.
Viral Marketing entails the <em>use of social media and other digital platforms or the internet to spread information.</em><em> </em>
It involves people coming in contact with an organization's marketing message and then sharing it with others who also share it with other people till it "goes viral".