The answer is "True".
Industry demands documentation enables developers to monitor the system's range and protects users claims, that somehow the new system will not accomplish their business goals.
- The main goal of this report is to offer everyone to be transparent, about what should be accomplished and when.
- It is the new business plan, that should be outlined in detail, that's why the given statement is true.
The minimum depth occurs for the path that always takes the smaller portion of the
split, i.e., the nodes that takes α proportion of work from the parent node. The first
node in the path(after the root) gets α proportion of the work(the size of data
processed by this node is αn), the second one get (2)
so on. The recursion bottoms
out when the size of data becomes 1. Assume the recursion ends at level h, we have
(ℎ) = 1
h = log 1/ = lg(1/)/ lg = − lg / lg
Maximum depth m is similar with minimum depth
(1 − )() = 1
m = log1− 1/ = lg(1/)/ lg(1 − ) = − lg / lg(1 − )
HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) is the code that a user writes in order to create a document to display on the web.
HTML is a markup language used to create hyper texts that are platform-independent. Mark up feature can be linked to other web pages, e-mail, multimedia, documents, databases etc.
Tags are used in to identify each section like head, body, title, paragraphs, tables, images etc.
In traditional programming, doubtless the
error-handling outcome that is most often used was to terminate the program<span> in which the
offending statement occurred, or at least to terminate the module (if not the
entire program) in which the offending statement occurred.</span>