Through natural selection, organisms carrying better traits to survive in an ecosystem are able to survive and pass on their characteristics to their offspring. Through evolution, the allelic frequency of the population changes in abundance of the traits which are favoured by natural selection. As the male pom-pom monkeys carrying long bright puffs of turquoise fur all around his neck had a better adaptation to survive on the island hence, they were favoured by natural selection and through evolution all long bright puffs of turquoise fur all around his neck evolved.
es casi correcto pero uno siempre debe esar distanciado porque mira el virus esta en el aire y cae en objetos por eso hay que lavarse las manos para que el virus no te entre en la partes vitales como la nariz hay que usar cubrebocas
te lo dice sans el esqueleto es más cierto que Cristo existe
Generally, a small difference in blood pressure readings between arms isn't a health concern. However, a difference of more than 10 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) for either your top number (systolic pressure) or bottom number (diastolic) may be a sign of blocked arteries in the arms, diabetes or other health problem
.A significant difference in the pressure recorded in the right and left arms can signal circulatory problems that may lead to stroke, peripheral artery disease, or other cardiovascular problems.