The organelles in an animal cell are as follows:
cell membrane, nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear membrane, cytosol, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, mitochondria, centrosome, cytoskeleton, vacuoles, vesicles, and lysosomes.
An animal cell is a typical example of an eukaryotic cell i.e a cell that contains a membrane-bound nucleus. In the cell are certain structures that performs specific functions in the cell called ORGANELLES. The organelles, according to this question, are found suspended or cushioned in the cytoplasm of the animal cell.
A list of the organelles in the cytoplasm (part of the cell that excludes the nucleus) of an animal cell are as follows:
- cell membrane
- nucleus
- nucleolus
- nuclear membrane
- cytosol
- smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Golgi apparatus
- ribosomes
- mitochondria
- centrosome
- cytoskeleton
- vacuoles
- vesicles
- lysosomes
its a compound
because it was broken down into a gas and blue powder, elements cant be broken into simpler substances.
músculo cardíaco
Los 3 tipos de tejido muscular son 1-músculo cardíaco o miocardio (involuntario), 2-músculo liso (involuntario) y 3-músculo esquelético (voluntario). Las células del músculo cardíaco, las cuales son conocidas como 'miocardiocitos', poseen una apariencia estriada y forman la pared del corazón. Los miocardiocitos son alargados, ramificados, y poseen un núcleo central (son células uninucleadas, a diferencia de las células del músculo esquelético, las cuales son multinucleadas). Además, los micardicitos son más cortos (80 a 100 µm) y más anchos (aprox. 15 µm) que las células del músculo esquelético. Los miocardiocitos presentan uniones especializadas conocidas como discos intercalares, los cuales son un tipo de complejo de unión entre los límites de dos cardiomiocitos. En el citoplasma de los cardiomiocitos se encuentran las miofibrillas, las cuales son estructuras contráctililes que les confieren a las células musculares sus propiedades características de contracción y de elasticidad. En estas células (cardiomiocitos) las miofibrillas se disponen de manera longitudininal con un patrón estriado.
lizard tails with vivid blue reflectance evolved in communities with either weasel or snake predators, which can both detect blue wavelengths. However, lizard tail UV reflectance was much higher in populations with only snake predators, perhaps because snakes can detect UV, yet weasels cannot. Finally, a cryptic brown tail evolved on islands where birds are the primary lizard predator. Because birds have keen visual acuity, a brown, camouflaged tail may be more advantageous.
A bacteriophage is a type of virus that attacks bacteria. In the lytic cycle, the virus hijacks the cell machinery of the bacterium that it has infected. In the lysogenic cycle, the viral DNA is incorporated into the bacterial DNA.
Its a type of virus.