<em>information about events we have personally experienced</em>
Episodic memory is <em>the actual memory of a particular event that a person has, so it will be different from the recall of the same encounter or experience by someone else.</em>
Often, episodic memory is mistaken with autobiographical memory, and while autobiographical memory includes episodic memory, it also depends on semantic memory.
<em>For instance, you might know the city you were born in and the date, though you have no particular birth memories.</em>
Blind Carbon Copy
For emails. It is used to send a copy of the email to somebody without the original person receiving it knowing that you sent a copy.
<span>Crawler-based search engines are what most of us are familiar with - mainly because that's what Google and Bing are. These companies develop their own software that enables them to build and maintain searchable databases of web pages (the engine), and to organise those pages into the most valuable and pertinent way to the user.</span>
Chiptune, also known as chip music or 8-bit music, is synthesized electronic music which is made for programmable sound generator suns chops used in vintage computers,consoles , and arcade machines.